Greens Renovation

Published on 6th September 2017 in Course News

The greens were cored (hollow tyned) with 5/8 inch tynes on Monday 4th September. The major benefits of this type of greens renovation is to remove thatch, reduce compaction and allow oxygen to the roots. A strong root system is essential for healthy turf.

Once the cores are cleaned up, the greens are fertilised according to soil tests results, with calcium and magnesium based fertiliser. Topdressing sand is then spread over the greens and brushed to fill up the core holes. As the sand settles the topdressing and brushing process will continue until all core holes are filled level.

The greens are not cut for at least 7 to 10 days to allow the sand to settle below the crown of the bentgrass. The height of cut will be raised to just trim the leaf and not damage the mower cutting cylinder. The greens will return to peak condition in 3 to 4 weeks depending on the weather. The colder the weather, the slower the recovery.

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