On course – Member and Visitors’ guidelines and temporary local rule

Published on 25th March 2020 in Course News, Golf News, Local News, Members News

In compliance with Government and Golf Australia best practice guidelines the Club has implemented the following measures to protect members, visitors and staff and help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 


All members and visitors at the Club are required to comply with these measures.

  • All persons at the Club should be particularly diligent around personal hygiene and as a minimum wash hands on arrival, after golf and before leaving. Contact minimisation protocols are in place for all staff.
  • Be conscious of not being too close to people and maintain as far as practical the recommended social distancing in the clubhouse, pro shop and on the course.
  • Book social and competition golf on line. Time slots will be at ten-minute intervals.
  • The Club will operate a cashless system. Please pay for your green fees, competition entrance fees, etc using payWave as appropriate.
  • Carts are only available for use by members and only one person per cart will be permitted. Carts will be cleaned after each round.
  • Excepting carts for use by members, all players must use their own equipment including pull buggies and sand buckets.
  • Flag sticks should not be removed during play.
  • All bunker rakes have been removed but players are encouraged to smooth over their footprints and divots with their feet or club.
  • All ball washers have been removed
  • Drinks fountains have been taken out of service. Water can be obtained from the water dispenser at the toilets on the 10th tee but please ensure no hand or glove  contact using disposable paper towel or  tissue as a barrier.
  • Competition cards will be pre-printed and returned to a drop off box in the Pro Shop. Players should mark and sign their own card after verbally agreeing score with playing partner while also marking their partner’s score.  Pro shop staff will enter these into the MiClub system at the end of play each day.  [Can we provide a box for marked and signed cards outside the Pro Shop?]
  • Competition results will be posted on the website the following day.
  • There will be no presentations after golf.
  • The buggy room doors will remain open on member competition days.
  • There will be no Nearest the Pin or Pro pin competition.
  • In accordance with the Prime Ministers latest restrictions announced (Sunday 22 March), the Clubhouse will be closed from 12pm Monday 23 March 2020 until further notice. The golf shop, course, office and locker room bathrooms will remain open.


Flinders Golf Club Advice & Temporary Local Rule

In accordance with advice from both the R & A and Golf Australia, the following advice and temporary local rule is in place until further notice. 

In the interests of players’ health and well-being:

  1. flagsticks should not be removed;
  2. players are to mark their own cards; and
  3. rakes have been removed from bunkers. Please smooth bunkers after playing your shot with your feet or clubs.

Temporary Local Rule:  Amendment to Rule 3.3b

  1. Players should enter their own score on the scorecard
  2. it is not necessary to have a marker physically certify the player’s hole score, but some form of verbal certification should take place.
  3. On completion of round place an X in the space for the markers signature showing marker agrees with the recorded score.
  4. Return cards to box in Proshop for staff to enter scores.



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